Intro to Bayesian Linear Mixed Effect Models with rstanarm

Overview of Presentation

  • Bayesian vs. frequentist inference
  • Bayes’ Theorem
  • Example of Bayesian inference
  • Bayesian LMERs with rstanarm
  • how to code models
  • selecting priors
  • displaying & interpreting the posterior distribution
  • model diagnostics and comparisons

Bayesian vs. Frequentist Inference

Frequentist Inference

  • Uses only the data and compares it to an idealized model to make inferences about the data
  • Example Problem: You lose your cellphone in your house. You have a friend call it and you listen for the sound to find it. Where do you search in the house?
  • Frequentist solution: You can hear the phone ringing. You also have a mental model of the house that helps you identify where the sound is coming from. When you hear the phone ringing, you infer the location with the help of your model.

Bayesian Inference

  • Draws conclusions from data and all prior knowledge about the data including idealized models
  • Uses prior knowledge to make bets on the outcome
  • Bayesian solution: You can hear the phone ringing but you also know where you were today in the house and where you tend to lose things. You also have a mental model of the house. You combine the inferences from the ringing with your prior knowledge to find the phone

Bayes’ Theorem

  • \(P(A\mid B) = \frac{P(B \mid A) \, P(A)}{P(B)}\)
  • The probability of observing event A given that B is true equals the probability of observing event B given the A is true times the probability of observing event A divided by the probability of event B
  • Can be reformulated as Bayes’ Rule:
  • Prior Odds * Relative Likelihoods = Posterior Odds

Bayesian Terms

  • Prior odds = our beliefs about the events prior to looking at the new data
  • Relative likelihoods = how likely an observation is when comparing one hypothesis to another
  • Posterior odds = our state of belief after comparing the prior information to the likelihoods (and updating with new data)

What they look like

Applying Bayes’ Theorem: Example Problem

  • You are treating students with Diseasitis
  • 20% of students will have Diseasitis right now based on previous research
  • You have a test that turns black if a student has Diseasitis
  • If a student has Diseasitis, only 90% cause the test to turn black
  • The test also turns black 30% of the time for healthy students
  • A student comes in to take the test and it turns black. What is the probability they have Diseasitis?


  • We know
  • The probability of black given sick = 0.9
  • The probability of black given not sick = 0.3
  • The probability of sick = 0.2
  • Prior odds X Relative likelihoods = Posterior odds
  • Relative likelihoods compare the probabilities of the two observed outcomes (prob of black = sick and prob of black = healthy)
  • \(\frac{P(sick)}{P(healthy)} \times \frac{P(black\mid sick)}{P(black\mid healthy)} = \frac{P(sick\mid black)}{P(healthy\mid black)}\)
  • \((20\% : 80\%) \times (90\%:30\%) = \frac{3}{4}\) odds or \(\frac{3}{7} =43\%\) probability of sick given blackened test
  • Remember: odds \((A:B)\) = probability \(\frac{A}{A+B}\)

Solution (con’t)

  • Another way to look at it:
  • Imagine a waterfall with two different colored waters
  • At the top of the waterfall, 20 gallons/second of red water are flowing down, and
  • 80 gallons/second of blue water are coming down.
  • 90% of the red water makes it to the bottom.
  • 30% of the blue water makes it to the bottom.
  • Of the purplish water that makes it to the bottom of the pool, how much was originally from the red stream and how much was originally from the blue stream?

Solution visualized

Applying Bayesian inference to LMERs

Applying Bayesian Inference

  • Bayesian inference can be applied to most models (ANOVA, linear regression, GLMERs, LMERs, GAMMs, CLMMs, etc.)
  • Bayesian inference does not give p-values (more on this later)
  • It can run models that otherwise don’t converge with frequentist models
  • Easier to intrepret
  • Provide distribution of values for each parameter rather than a single output

Applying Bayesian Inference

  • Real life language data is much more complex than the earlier examples
  • We can’t directly calculate the posterior distribution
  • Instead we have to approximate accurate posterior distributions
  • The rstanarm package uses the Stan language to generate a posterior distribution via Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling
  • This process takes time (sometimes a long time!) and requires thousands of samples
  • Stan is much more efficient than BUGS or JAGS (other Bayesian samplers) and is in active development


  • Use library(rstanarm)
  • stan_lmer() or stan_glmer()
  • Similar syntax to lme4 but have to specify
  • priors
  • number of chains
  • iterations
  • adapt_delta (optional)

Selecting priors

  • No matter what we research, we already know something about the data we will collect before we do
  • For phonetics, we know range of sounds human can produce and hear
  • We know that it is very unlikely to get meaningful speech sounds that are 100,000 Hz
  • VOTs are typical not seconds long or conversely not extremely short like 1 ns
  • We pick priors that are weakly informative but still helpful
  • We want to make some bets but not bet too strongly to overly influence the results
  • We pick priors that are distributions (typically normal) that have a reasonable mean and standard deviation but not too narrow nor too wide

Selecting priors

  • The priors tell the model where to start guessing at the data and how strong of a bet to make
  • If we have lots of data that strongly diverge from the priors, then the results won’t reflect the priors as much, but if the priors are too strong then they can heavily influence our results

VOT example

  • We need to pick priors for the intercept and slopes for VOT data
  • What do we know about VOT that are measured in ms?
  • We can pick a prior with a normal distribution centered at 0ms with a standard deviation of 50ms: normal(0,50)
  • that says we are 68% sure the mean is between -50ms and 50ms, 95% sure between -100ms and 100ms and 99.7% sure between -150ms and 150ms
  • We can tweak it as needed
  • What if we said normal(0,5)? Is that too strong? Or normal(0,500)? Is that too weak?

Sampling the posterior distribution

  • We need to specify how many samples we need in addition to the number of chains
  • Stan is quite efficient so we can use a relatively small amount depending on how nice the data are
  • Typically use chains = 4 (number of unique samplers) and iter = 2000
  • The sampling process requires warmup samples to get a taste of the distribution, which we throw out since not very good (warmup = 1000)
  • Sometimes there are divergent samples which are bad so we add adapt_delta=0.999 (if still divergent keep adding 9s until it works)

Let’s make some models!

  • These can take a bit of time to run
data_vot <- read_csv("t_d_vot.csv") # import data
options(mc.cores=parallel::detectCores ()) # Run on multiple cores
# strong priors
model1 <-stan_lmer(vot*1000 ~ consonant2 + (1+consonant2|speaker_id) + (1+consonant2|word),
                   prior_intercept = normal(0, 5,autoscale = F),
                   prior = normal(0, 5,autoscale = F), 
                   prior_covariance = decov(regularization = 2),
                   chains = 4,
                   iter = 2000, adapt_delta=0.999,warmup=1000)

More models

# weaker priors
model2 <-stan_lmer(vot*1000 ~ consonant2 + (1+consonant2|speaker_id) + (1+consonant2|word),
                   prior_intercept = normal(0, 50,autoscale = F),
                   prior = normal(0, 50,autoscale = F), 
                   prior_covariance = decov(regularization = 2),
                   chains = 4,
                   iter = 2000, adapt_delta=0.999,warmup=1000)

One last model

# very weak priors
model3 <-stan_lmer(vot*1000 ~ consonant2 + (1+consonant2|speaker_id) + (1+consonant2|word),
                   prior_intercept = normal(0, 500,autoscale = F),
                   prior = normal(0, 500,autoscale = F), 
                   prior_covariance = decov(regularization = 2),
                   chains = 4,
                   iter = 2000, adapt_delta=0.999,warmup=1000)

Interpreting Results

What are p-values?

  • From
  • The probability of getting the results you did (or more extreme results) given that the null hypothesis is true.
  • P = 0.05 does not mean there is only a 5% chance that the null hypothesis is true.
  • P = 0.05 does not mean there is a 5% chance of a Type I error (i.e. false positive).
  • P = 0.05 does not mean there is a 95% chance that the results would replicate if the study were repeated.
  • P > 0.05 does not mean there is no difference between groups.
  • P < 0.05 does not mean you have proved your experimental hypothesis.

Intrepreting p-values

  • If you are studying the difference in VOT between two stops and the p-value is 0.03 that means:
  • if there were no difference between the VOT of the two stops, you’d get the observed difference or more in 3% of the studies due to random sampling error.
  • It does not give us any information about the alternate hypothesis that there is a difference between the stops’ VOTs.

Bayesian Approach

  • No p-values!
  • Use Bayesian Highest Density Interval (HDI)
  • Area of posterior distribution with 95% highest probability [2.5% to 97.5% of posterior distribution]
  • Bayesian approach answers “The probability of the Null Hypothesis being true given the data” (Frequentist is “The probability of observing the data or anything more extreme given the null hypothesis”)
  • Bayesian approach is more inuitive
  • Multiple comparisons also aren’t an issue!

## Intrepreting HDI

  • If there is no overlap of HDIs, then probable difference
  • If overlap can say there is probable similarity but also probable difference (can now make these claims rather than just binary answers!)
  • Much more nuanced and like real life

Model 1 Results

mean mcse sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
(Intercept) 4.0864961 0.1266263 5.3324124 -6.4999536 0.3921561 4.2270555 7.876507 14.26621 1773 1.0002057
consonant2t̻ 1.8167415 0.1058488 4.9799389 -8.2129145 -1.4335593 1.8672895 5.128587 11.62017 2213 1.0018490
b[(Intercept) speaker_id:F01] 6.1571967 0.3203016 6.6888620 -5.5604391 1.1397537 5.8466621 10.632572 19.77066 436 1.0066978
b[consonant2t̻ speaker_id:F01] 9.2544098 0.8048084 13.0114306 -12.3259024 -1.6638371 8.2141599 20.560041 32.78133 261 1.0114576
b[(Intercept) speaker_id:F02] -0.1790354 0.3008634 6.5528716 -11.9120906 -4.7962143 -0.5556100 4.051550 13.67538 474 1.0046269
b[consonant2t̻ speaker_id:F02] 21.2263520 0.8436341 13.4194616 -0.6464893 9.8916638 19.9318661 32.997877 44.63413 253 1.0122115
b[(Intercept) speaker_id:M01] 20.8152190 0.3496184 7.1102001 8.1548843 15.6766691 20.6613122 25.518407 35.08725 414 1.0086930
b[consonant2t̻ speaker_id:M01] 3.1611167 0.7882159 12.9473913 -19.1680871 -7.3671564 1.7137774 14.332284 25.81529 270 1.0095255
b[(Intercept) speaker_id:M02] 3.8957675 0.3192612 6.7343050 -7.9658212 -0.9439335 3.3301208 8.467740 17.98618 445 1.0066537
b[consonant2t̻ speaker_id:M02] 6.6532391 0.8065003 12.9791396 -14.9735835 -4.1659549 4.9942416 17.983205 29.81430 259 1.0111424
b[(Intercept) speaker_id:M03] 8.3188733 0.3107234 6.7029312 -3.5148628 3.5766378 7.8081863 12.810630 22.36286 465 1.0058295
b[consonant2t̻ speaker_id:M03] 30.0009369 0.8610039 13.8191725 7.5520796 18.1920717 28.9177002 42.115818 54.17208 258 1.0126060
b[(Intercept) word:ahdan] 1.4513173 0.1948404 5.2998150 -7.2890099 -1.2174846 0.1475008 3.250404 14.80495 740 1.0052302
b[consonant2t̻ word:ahdan] 0.4205744 0.2205275 13.9473834 -30.6421033 -3.4534170 0.0435104 4.419632 31.09333 4000 0.9995036
b[(Intercept) word:ata] 5.9983941 0.4610827 11.1459093 -7.4882486 -0.3187069 1.6672417 10.255426 35.63936 584 1.0064080
b[consonant2t̻ word:ata] 10.5945488 0.6598986 13.4471019 -4.8164844 0.0128475 5.6905976 19.930322 41.17283 415 1.0053769
b[(Intercept) word:idi] 3.1229898 0.2239212 5.5562291 -5.1150601 -0.1005295 1.3810099 5.539898 17.20763 616 1.0051051
b[consonant2t̻ word:idi] 0.9119649 0.2231316 13.9709089 -29.2847326 -3.0776975 0.0763752 4.750007 32.42595 3920 1.0000484
b[(Intercept) word:itik] 7.0288940 0.4652301 11.2837918 -6.8164340 0.0649321 2.6536150 11.458345 36.75228 588 1.0043226
b[consonant2t̻ word:itik] 12.4591581 0.7015108 13.8732923 -3.1514511 0.6738726 7.9105136 22.269547 43.61696 391 1.0066493
sigma 6.3583149 0.0131140 0.6890298 5.1838229 5.8768264 6.2991658 6.749955 7.93253 2761 0.9994410
Sigma[speaker_id:(Intercept),(Intercept)] 196.8932077 6.2667480 181.8820568 27.6287381 77.7356439 139.5448053 251.700022 715.22591 842 1.0038181
Sigma[speaker_id:consonant2t̻,(Intercept)] 48.7473253 5.8044110 136.4071223 -148.4347459 -25.7137070 15.9920358 98.179490 403.26124 552 1.0049717
Sigma[speaker_id:consonant2t̻,consonant2t̻] 422.3109484 20.5367610 424.3029914 48.7769109 133.6042056 281.1530738 567.852549 1577.86463 427 1.0067827
Sigma[word:(Intercept),(Intercept)] 114.0889282 8.9331102 216.6859959 0.0340652 3.2356146 25.8367294 130.758542 747.66508 588 1.0048817
Sigma[word:consonant2t̻,(Intercept)] 16.6823899 2.0121354 95.1906538 -146.4042270 -1.7539351 0.6144948 29.869396 229.08762 2238 1.0003819
Sigma[word:consonant2t̻,consonant2t̻] 221.8939850 14.5030489 360.6208258 0.0355739 5.2610660 79.1953082 297.683633 1220.99980 618 1.0069617
mean_PPD 30.6615249 0.0183833 1.1626600 28.4549208 29.8770106 30.6501532 31.441122 32.93101 4000 0.9998124
log-posterior -239.0927218 0.1498344 4.9706903 -249.6491694 -242.1890713 -238.6483981 -235.576336 -230.67157 1101 1.0002455

Model 2 Results

mean mcse sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
(Intercept) 14.2244977 0.1336854 5.2994262 3.5171636 11.2271482 14.2037311 17.2310756 24.692964 1571 1.0023898
consonant2t̻ 30.8076631 0.1740300 6.9720050 16.3760843 26.7012549 30.9575055 34.8718284 45.069972 1605 0.9998558
b[(Intercept) speaker_id:F01] -1.5847485 0.1321248 5.2930367 -12.2908050 -4.6494473 -1.4603011 1.5166600 8.785738 1605 1.0024359
b[consonant2t̻ speaker_id:F01] -3.9668643 0.1436126 6.2875952 -16.7081135 -7.8130802 -4.0096678 -0.1371577 9.281690 1917 0.9994917
b[(Intercept) speaker_id:F02] -7.7123341 0.1279961 5.3077925 -18.6121020 -10.7970832 -7.6386131 -4.4249411 2.598526 1720 1.0024501
b[consonant2t̻ speaker_id:F02] 7.6285262 0.1471050 6.4480219 -4.7718606 3.5596735 7.5109740 11.6611606 20.522699 1921 0.9994883
b[(Intercept) speaker_id:M01] 12.8008224 0.1310955 5.3713873 2.5757568 9.4440654 12.6992028 15.9629391 23.850700 1679 1.0034656
b[consonant2t̻ speaker_id:M01] -9.9693452 0.1544271 6.4577728 -22.7137477 -14.0001527 -9.8286021 -5.7531024 2.600898 1749 0.9993977
b[(Intercept) speaker_id:M02] -3.8539120 0.1281660 5.3443397 -14.9163100 -6.9758851 -3.7815376 -0.5726020 6.610812 1739 1.0029794
b[consonant2t̻ speaker_id:M02] -6.5934511 0.1539033 6.4685281 -19.7311775 -10.5801402 -6.5056020 -2.6515402 6.436070 1767 0.9996702
b[(Intercept) speaker_id:M03] 0.7158164 0.1308474 5.2755550 -9.8673849 -2.3771565 0.8101970 3.7637536 11.396687 1626 1.0039424
b[consonant2t̻ speaker_id:M03] 16.1012277 0.1451787 6.4140828 4.5652059 11.9645594 15.7970588 19.8361816 30.198882 1952 1.0002797
b[(Intercept) word:ahdan] -0.5716025 0.0418079 2.2408968 -5.5064846 -1.3208421 -0.2238359 0.2765287 3.506637 2873 1.0015551
b[consonant2t̻ word:ahdan] -0.0181501 0.0608711 3.6897752 -7.6544970 -0.8552698 0.0095352 0.8465419 7.144780 3674 1.0003937
b[(Intercept) word:ata] -0.3529255 0.0550845 3.0248305 -6.1382996 -1.1951815 -0.1546491 0.4256046 5.405387 3015 0.9997561
b[consonant2t̻ word:ata] -0.3544991 0.0629966 3.3135271 -6.8762164 -1.2441720 -0.1440967 0.4161509 6.142704 2767 1.0001688
b[(Intercept) word:idi] 0.4486629 0.0404152 2.2485387 -3.7808842 -0.3332448 0.1691477 1.1503904 5.489988 3095 1.0003343
b[consonant2t̻ word:idi] -0.0364130 0.0576910 3.6486997 -7.1641064 -0.8653133 -0.0166922 0.7944696 7.419529 4000 1.0001989
b[(Intercept) word:itik] 0.5738092 0.0496346 2.7357179 -3.9423128 -0.3220993 0.2103334 1.2833743 6.892119 3038 1.0007781
b[consonant2t̻ word:itik] 0.7125528 0.0680903 3.3760831 -4.8212693 -0.3134421 0.2605675 1.4169209 8.584818 2458 1.0001577
sigma 6.2406426 0.0113055 0.6601288 5.0908638 5.7880519 6.1877234 6.6341432 7.708066 3409 1.0003974
Sigma[speaker_id:(Intercept),(Intercept)] 109.3857156 2.9714416 119.3366409 21.8579352 49.4385033 78.9264339 129.9687177 357.017007 1613 1.0017576
Sigma[speaker_id:consonant2t̻,(Intercept)] -23.9270888 1.0654360 55.3921423 -155.7941350 -44.4166834 -18.1984745 2.4683263 77.188817 2703 0.9996994
Sigma[speaker_id:consonant2t̻,consonant2t̻] 159.3992785 2.8662409 132.4901999 38.2243540 82.3267490 123.0551629 194.2214645 481.567991 2137 0.9997013
Sigma[word:(Intercept),(Intercept)] 10.1829985 0.7297086 33.2699315 0.0045218 0.4306496 2.0892145 7.6793833 65.435740 2079 1.0002724
Sigma[word:consonant2t̻,(Intercept)] -1.3140427 0.3119016 17.1061765 -21.6688631 -0.7868898 -0.0021438 0.4689946 11.632506 3008 0.9998489
Sigma[word:consonant2t̻,consonant2t̻] 16.2181014 1.0468991 54.8412758 0.0049246 0.4333007 2.4546309 10.0248617 132.629700 2744 0.9998889
mean_PPD 30.8268879 0.0181754 1.1495141 28.5680200 30.0632324 30.8350506 31.5965404 33.052110 4000 0.9995367
log-posterior -238.7857730 0.1290156 4.6788612 -248.6780425 -241.6852363 -238.4362011 -235.4064512 -230.728938 1315 1.0008418

Model 3 Results

mean mcse sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
(Intercept) 13.9642848 0.1255139 5.2862739 3.1361188 11.0509740 13.9311869 17.0777707 24.691811 1774 0.9995626
consonant2t̻ 32.0826482 0.1900716 6.8916103 18.0067462 27.9681689 32.0435970 36.0816424 46.336768 1315 1.0033702
b[(Intercept) speaker_id:F01] -1.5302904 0.1213132 5.1595532 -12.2904876 -4.5585220 -1.5071204 1.5791178 8.610477 1809 0.9996977
b[consonant2t̻ speaker_id:F01] -4.7768015 0.1594894 6.3289503 -17.7257696 -8.7602367 -4.7047401 -0.8222776 7.737750 1575 1.0022687
b[(Intercept) speaker_id:F02] -7.6194908 0.1193882 5.2272817 -18.8686135 -10.7747593 -7.4814266 -4.3411413 2.323210 1917 1.0000940
b[consonant2t̻ speaker_id:F02] 6.7769788 0.1547371 6.2980373 -5.6811122 2.7948426 6.6968777 10.6883551 19.593682 1657 1.0020555
b[(Intercept) speaker_id:M01] 12.8219215 0.1269118 5.2120165 2.6440517 9.5812362 12.6441052 15.9817349 23.732545 1687 1.0001472
b[consonant2t̻ speaker_id:M01] -10.6726342 0.1551055 6.4239402 -23.8206246 -14.4838725 -10.4911580 -6.6159101 1.476965 1715 1.0021635
b[(Intercept) speaker_id:M02] -3.7475418 0.1178971 5.2498634 -13.9676660 -6.8412054 -3.7694361 -0.5812705 6.885174 1983 1.0005591
b[consonant2t̻ speaker_id:M02] -7.4626967 0.1438520 6.4531613 -20.3668920 -11.4871342 -7.4374432 -3.2859368 5.159041 2012 1.0026973
b[(Intercept) speaker_id:M03] 0.8052862 0.1194252 5.1499723 -9.7182341 -2.3057735 0.8143507 3.9433914 11.058106 1860 0.9998734
b[consonant2t̻ speaker_id:M03] 15.1600690 0.1717555 6.4186071 2.5838749 11.0604312 14.8079068 19.1281916 28.194856 1397 1.0017766
b[(Intercept) word:ahdan] -0.4639709 0.0384139 2.2340726 -5.4803073 -1.2297703 -0.1988099 0.2850377 4.002418 3382 0.9997312
b[consonant2t̻ word:ahdan] 0.1216502 0.0598031 3.7822814 -7.2350099 -0.8235421 0.0063251 0.9773072 7.849380 4000 0.9993267
b[(Intercept) word:ata] -0.4843028 0.0456596 2.7196091 -6.4657134 -1.2464827 -0.1866374 0.3818759 4.504693 3548 0.9992919
b[consonant2t̻ word:ata] -0.4672058 0.0546052 2.9632833 -6.5674941 -1.3714779 -0.2005452 0.3459040 5.538544 2945 1.0001976
b[(Intercept) word:idi] 0.6035102 0.0401485 2.2781105 -3.3654478 -0.2866984 0.2329395 1.3053576 6.019724 3220 0.9991333
b[consonant2t̻ word:idi] -0.0003454 0.0738116 4.0638324 -8.3097916 -0.8763403 0.0043577 0.8040879 7.669826 3031 1.0004483
b[(Intercept) word:itik] 0.4689619 0.0459315 2.6030958 -4.5123515 -0.3572086 0.1811649 1.2375526 6.059717 3212 1.0012347
b[consonant2t̻ word:itik] 0.5790129 0.0597638 3.0314378 -4.7012075 -0.3587379 0.1818185 1.3865031 7.569620 2573 0.9991393
sigma 6.2668376 0.0107517 0.6799999 5.0720898 5.7877607 6.2122055 6.6877624 7.694882 4000 1.0000970
Sigma[speaker_id:(Intercept),(Intercept)] 109.4096891 2.1925481 97.1614838 22.3947189 51.0143263 81.5969220 132.6112301 358.757366 1964 1.0003071
Sigma[speaker_id:consonant2t̻,(Intercept)] -22.7260599 1.0912958 57.8124972 -146.4107324 -44.2173930 -17.2813898 2.9971406 80.936666 2806 1.0020638
Sigma[speaker_id:consonant2t̻,consonant2t̻] 160.0292421 2.6974995 131.2439131 35.6382993 82.3131742 124.1417299 194.7151863 490.847653 2367 1.0006840
Sigma[word:(Intercept),(Intercept)] 9.9382626 0.5093796 28.1101736 0.0034933 0.3980251 2.0886674 7.9939197 76.805961 3045 0.9993027
Sigma[word:consonant2t̻,(Intercept)] -0.7197121 0.1922373 12.1581554 -16.6219774 -0.8116888 -0.0036399 0.4309056 11.617087 4000 0.9995805
Sigma[word:consonant2t̻,consonant2t̻] 14.7685657 1.0254484 55.3351743 0.0028683 0.4427945 2.5722091 10.4894988 105.721342 2912 1.0001081
mean_PPD 30.8019709 0.0185724 1.1746229 28.4877981 30.0332389 30.7937003 31.5746953 33.088275 4000 0.9999336
log-posterior -240.5881277 0.1536367 4.9786412 -251.3596254 -243.7667338 -240.2288973 -237.1560916 -231.899535 1050 1.0020654

Compared to frequentist model

model_freq <- lmer(vot*1000 ~ consonant2 + (1+consonant2|speaker_id) + (1+consonant2|word),data=data_vot)
    vot * 1000
    B CI p
Fixed Parts
(Intercept)   14.21 6.49 – 21.94 .020
consonant2 (t̻)   31.84 20.59 – 43.09 .004
Random Parts
σ2   36.684
τ00, speaker_id   70.586
τ00, word   0.143
ρ01   -0.499
Nspeaker_id   5
Nword   4
ICCspeaker_id   0.657
ICCword   0.001
Observations   58
R2 / Ω02   .916 / .916
    vot * 1000
    B CI p
Fixed Parts
(Intercept)   14.21 6.49 – 21.94 .020
consonant2 (t̻)   31.84 20.59 – 43.09 .004
Random Parts
σ2   36.684
τ00, speaker_id   70.586
τ00, word   0.143
ρ01   -0.467
Nspeaker_id   5
Nword   4
ICCspeaker_id   0.657
ICCword   0.001
Observations   58
R2 / Ω02   .916 / .916

Plotting Posterior Distribution: Model1

Plotting Posterior Distribution: Model2

Plotting Posterior Distribution: Model3

Diagnostics and Comparing Models

Model Diagnostics

  • In summary output want Rhat to be 1.0 or very close to 1 (like 0.98) [measure of how well the chains mix]
  • Use launch_shinystan(model1) to explore Stan’s built in diagnostic tools (launches page in your web browser)

Example of Shinystan

How well did the model sample

Model Comparisons

  • Like frequentist models, we can compare two different models to see how different they are (like comparing random effects)
  • Instead of anova() we use loo() (leave one out) and compare_models()
  • Can take a little bit to run
  • loo() is actually more like comparing AIC values
  • If elpd_diff is small, then little difference between models
  • loo is an approximation of k_fold(model,K=10) but is much faster


  • The LOO Information Criterion (LOOIC) has the same purpose as the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) that is used by frequentists.
  • Both are intended to estimate the expected log predictive density (ELPD) for a new dataset.
  • However, the AIC ignores priors and assumes that the posterior distribution is multivariate normal, whereas the functions from the loo package do not make this distributional assumption and integrate over uncertainty in the parameters.
  • This only assumes that any one observation can be omitted without having a major effect on the posterior distribution


  • The difference in ELPD will be negative if the expected out-of-sample predictive accuracy of the first model is higher.
  • If the difference is be positive then the second model is preferred.

Example loo

model1a <-stan_lmer(vot*1000 ~ consonant2 + (1+consonant2|speaker_id),
prior_intercept = normal(0, 5),
prior = normal(0, 5), 
prior_covariance = decov(regularization = 2),
chains = 4,
iter = 2000, adapt_delta=0.999,warmup=1000)

loo1 <- loo(model1) 
loo1a <- loo(model1a)

Compare models

## elpd_diff        se 
##       0.4       1.1


Pros and cons of Bayesian analyses

  • Pros
  • Easier to intrpret
  • No p-values
  • Uses past knowledge (more scientific)
  • Can use more complex models
  • Can do multiple comparisons
  • Have distributions of results
  • Can make more nuanced claims
  • Cons
  • Slower
  • New for linguistics so have to explain more
